Thursday, September 29, 2016

Quality VS Quantity

Been quite some time since my last post but no better time than the present. (Written 9-26-16)

     Y'all will also notice a name change thanks to Rachelle. The blog is now FAMILY, FISHING, AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN. Because family is always first. Thank you Chelle, we love you! 

     I tricked y'all into thinking this blog was about those big green bass we chase but no. This is a post about quality time VS quantity time with FAMILY. Lord only knows how fine of a line we all walk daily on this subject. 
     I'm the first to admit I'm not perfect. Nor do I claim to be! (Some people may disagree lol) But in my honest opinion there is a struggle between keeping all parties happy in a family......including yourself. We have to find the right balance that fits our lifestyles not just someone's perceptive style. For instance tournament fishing, prefishing takes time away from family, adds levels of stress above the work-life-balance scenario.  But it's a passion and we love our families for being supportive of our endeavors no matter win lose or draw. We never lose though. We win or we learn (Thank you Lulu Swindle for adding this to G-mans sand which bag, we all learned from it). But we sacrifice quantity of time which can also be the even bigger quality of time. Missed first steps, first words, sports games, birthdays, anniversaries and so on. Then we have the go without scenario where there is not time to decompress from the work-life-balance. Where we take for granted someone always being there and wouldn't know how to function without them by our sides. This increases stress levels to the point of snapping!!!!! I take a lot of things for granted, especially my loving wife. We are always there for each other but sometimes we take our time for granted and never give time to miss each other. I'm hoping being involved with the Phoenix Junior Bassmasters will be eye opening for her and get her to share the passion we all have for growing our sport and being positive role models for our future anglers. And in all honesty pray my son catches the bug too! But if they don't I'm ok with that. We still get our quality and our quantity. 

     Find your balance, live laugh and love like it was your last day. There will be struggles and strife. But be like Baloo and forget about your worries and your strife. Grab your family, your friends, your loved ones and a couple fishing poles and go make some memories. Spend your quality time making the memories and your quantity being thankful for what you have. Lord knows we can all do more of that even if it's just a sit down dinner, give thanks for the little things. Don't regret, but better yet forget about the things we can do better and just make an effort to do just a little better everyday. 

     Until next time my friends, tight lines! 

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